Sunday, June 30, 2013


Thomas Story Kirkbride came up with a plan for a new type of hospital for the mentally ill in the mid 1840s. This new building layout was dubbed the Kirkbride plan.  It consisted of a center administration building flanked by two wings.The wings consisted of a series of rectangular buildings staggered in an echelon pattern to maximize light and air flow to patients. another key aspect of this building design was hospital grounds adorned with gardens trees and walkways. A number of these buildings were built between 1848 -1895. They were often built in very ornate styles and were designed by many different architects consequently the visual style of these buildings varies a great deal. they were enormous buildings sometimes reaching 2000ft from end to end. of the 40 or so of these magnificent buildings constructed only a handful remain intact. Ive had the idea to build one of these buildings in minecraft but the task seemed so daunting. here is a taste of what I have built so far. when it is complete i will be posting the schematic and possibly a world save for download.

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